Monday, 29 April 2013

Photo Edits.


 I have edited the colours of this photo, and i have changed the centers of the flowers to a pink, just to add effect and colour.

Before and After edits.

Photo Edits.


 I added colour adjustments and effects to this photo, and kept the yellow to make the photo look more interesting and effective. This shows that I can use Photoshop properly and effectively.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

3 Different Photo Categories.

For the project I am doing, I have to take photos of my own to use and edit. We have to use 3 different categories. The 3 different categories that I have chosen to use are as follows:

Client Requirements- I will take some photos of damage around the school or something similar as if someone has asked me to look for the damage in the school etc.

Concept- I will also take some close-ups of objects, but also some black&white photos but I will only use black&white when it is appropriate.

Exhibition- I will take photos of almost anything that looks good, and what I like the look of. I will take some interesting photos with plenty of lines, patterns, texture and colour etc.